1. Ciprofloxacin otic solution 0.2%
○ brand : Cetraxal (wraser pharmaceuticals)
○ generic: Ciprofloxacin otic solution 0.2% box (xspire pharma)
○ dispensing label:
- wrong sig: 1gtt (1 drop) 1방울 넣는걸로 하면 잘못됨
- right sig: 1 applicator (as written on the hard copy)
○ Ciprofloxacin otic solution 0.2% : contains 14 single use containers (each container has 0.25ml a deliverable volume)
한 박스에 14개 낱개 포장이 들어 있고, 1개의 낱개포장마다 0.25ml의 솔루션이 들어있다. 때문에, 레이블 타입할때 1방울씩이라 타입하면 안되고 1 applicator이라 써야함.
○ manufacturered suggested dosing direction:
the contents of one single use cotnainer (deliverable volume: 0.25ml) should be instilled into the affected ear twice daily (approximately 12 hours apart) for 7 days
: one applicator every 12 hours in each affected ear for 7 days
2. as of July 1, 2021: new opioid age restriction offerings
○ codeine and. ramadol use for pain in children : contraindicated in children under 12 yrs of age
○ opioid containing cough and cold products in children:
-codeine products: contraindicated in children under 12 yr of age (no qty allowed. use alternative)
- hydrocodone products: contraindicated in children under 6 yr of age (no qty allowed. use alternative)
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